We are always delighted to share our story and what we do! Please get in touch for appearances, interviews etc.

our recent MEDIA features and collaborations

Leaders feature forest bathing

When it comes to human performance elite athletes are analysed in in the most minute detail in order to be at their peak physical and mental fitness when it matters most.  The Leaders Performance Institute spoke to TFBI with a view to better understanding how the benefits of forest bathing may be leveraged in the world of sport. Could forest bathing be a unique tool to give elite athletes a competitive edge?

Forest Bathing on

Even for people who already spend quite a lot of time outside it can be beneficial to explore different ways to connect with nature and understand why it is good for us.  Which is why we happily worked with Spartan on an article for their worldwide race community.

Forest Bathing in The Metro

The Forest Bathing Institute helped journalist Vicki-Marie Cossar explore the benefits and science of Forest Bathing for her article published in the Metro in April 2021.


Forest Bathing on BBC Earth

Gary Evans, founder of The Forest Bathing Institute was invited, along with Professor Qing Li from the Nippon Medical School, Japan, to participate in a piece on forest bathing for BBC Earth’s Facebook channel.  The video talks about how to get started with forest bathing practice and explains how to benefit from forest medicine.

Forest bathing At Kew

TFBI Forest Bathing+ guide Susanne is the principle TFBI guide at the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew.   Susanne was asked to write an article for the Kew magazine about her forest bathing journey; the beautiful photographs were taken by Andrew Shaylor.  Sessions will be from April 2021 and will be bookable via the Kew website soon. 

Forest bathing In the Independent

James Clark, journalist, discovered forest bathing in Japan and has been forest bathing in the UK ever since. He came to us, as the UK’s leading forest bathing organisation, when researching his article for the Independent.  His article, Why the Japanese tradition of forest bathing is a much-needed antidote to lockdown, was published in the Indy/Life section of the Independent on 17th March 2021.

Forest bathing on escape to the country

Filmed in the Summer of 2020 for an episode of this popular programme, TFBI founder, Gary Evans, showcased forest bathing in the beautiful ancient woodland of the Surrey Hills, England.  In the programme he touches on the history and science of forest bathing, explaining to presenter Sonali Shah why ancient woodland is so important and beneficial to our health. Broadcast on 4th January 2021.

We were interviewed for TRT World

Health correspondent Nicola Hill came on a Forest Bathing experience and interviewed Forest Bathing Guide Philippa Bassett.  This is her report for TRT World, a Turkish public broadcast service (in English). Broadcast on 10th November 2020.


We were featured On the Sunday Programme on BBC Radio 4

Listen to Gary Evans, founder of The Forest Bathing Institute talk about forest bathing, describing how the technique of immersion in nature can help counteract the effects of stress and anxiety. 

In this recording Gary also explains how the practices started and the ongoing research into this transformative therapy.


We were featured in Episode 4 of BBC2's programme: Stories of Us

We are thrilled to be featured on Episode 4 of BBC2’s programme ‘Stories of Us’ where the Rev Kate Bottley and broadcaster Ashley John-Baptiste take in the great outdoors as they explore how interacting with nature and the world around us could improve our lives in unexpected ways. 

The programme covered Forest Bathing twice, once near the beginning, after paddle board yoga and again at the end.    The recording captured some lovely experiences of how people feel during and after a Forest Bathing+ experience, as well as showing some of the beneficial physiological changes, for example how it lowers blood pressure.


“The Japanese have known for years that spending mindful time in the woods is beneficial for the body and soul. Now western doctors and royals agree.”

“After a slow start, interest in forest bathing has taken off”. [Gary] Evans said. Officials from national and local government have made inquires and Evans addressed 40 doctors at Frimley Park Hospital in Surrey last month on the benefits. GPs in the county have expressed interest in social prescribing of forest bathing. The Forest Bathing Institute is training people to become Shinrin-Yoku guides.”


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    media contacts

    Gary Evans and Philippa Bassett

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    +44 1932 880 712