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The prices for our courses are at the bottom of this page.
About Our Accredited Courses
At TFBI we have developed each element of the our FB+ approach to mindfulness in nature over many years and hundreds of sessions; we are now proving the therapeutic effectiveness of FB+, with University led research. Initial results of the research have indicated an improvement in 12 areas of wellbeing.
Our training is designed to set a benchmark in forest bathing as a nature therapy in the UK. As FB+ is centred on mindfulness, it is a requirement that all our guides are fully trained in this discipline.
Government funding and support
In March 2022 we launched government funded sessions for vulnerable members of society. These new programmes will accomplish some of our long term ambitions – bringing the benefits of nature to those who need it most. We have also secured transportation funding!
The FB+ course consists of two modules. The first module covers meditation and mindfulness, the second module covers FB+. After each module you will be required to submit 6 practice sessions, and pass a practical assessment and theory exam. Once both modules are completed, you will be qualified to guide FB+ sessions.
Key elements of our Full FB+ Course.
- Meditation and mindfulness, theory, science and history
- Forest Bathing theory, science and history
- How to run Forest Bathing+ sessions
- Ongoing support and personal development
The full curriculum usually takes between 8-12 months to complete. As many people will be taking the training in parallel with existing work and life events, we are flexible on the time you take to qualify. Provided you complete the essential elements and pass all exams, you are in control of how long the process takes for you allowing you to fit it around your current lifestyle commitments.
Module One
Mindfulness and Meditation
- Takes 6 months on average
- 3 full days training
- Online (via Zoom)
- Case study and exam (6 practice sessions, practical assessment and theory exam)
- CMA accredited
Module Two
Forest Bathing +
- Takes 6 months on average
- 4 days online theory (via Zoom)
- 4 days intensive in-person training
- Case studies and exam
- Group training calls
- CMA accredited
New improved courses
Module 1 additional features :
- NEW online training platform to streamline the learning experience
- Heavily revised manual and online training course
- Vastly expanded additional course materials
- Over 3 hours of mentored group training calls
- Course one to one mentoring with a senior teacher
- Improved Case study support and guidance
- Comprehensive student pack
- Digital access to all course training materials
Module 2 additional features :
- NEW online training platform to streamline the learning experience
- Heavily updated manual (50 new pages) and training course
- Up to 16 hours of tutor-led group training calls – following the 8 day course.
- One to one self-development and self-care mentoring
- Improved practice session support and guidance
- Additional risk assessment training
- Prepares guides to a high standard capable of integrating with our NHS, social prescribing and government vulnerable person programmes.
- Comprehensive student pack
- Digital access to all course training materials
Option to join the TFBI FB+ Guide team after you qualify*
We work closely with social prescribing organisations, government departments, mental health charities and numerous other organisations. This offers us the ability to provide paid work to those who join our team.
Guides with appropriate skills and training can join the TFBI team and will receive ongoing training for the lifetime of their participation. There is no additional cost and includes online personal development classes and updates on our large university research programme. These benefits will allow you to stay up-to-date and at the forefront of developments surrounding health and nature.
We only take expressions of interest to join the TFBI FB+ team once ALL training modules, assessments and exams have been completed.
If you would like to express interest after qualifying please contact Ca***@tf*.institute. You will be invited to an interview with Gary, TFBI Director. Applications are carefully considered and, if mutually acceptable to both parties, an invitation will be made to join the team.
* We hope that all students who wish to join the TFBI FB+ Guide team will be able to do so, however please be aware that this is not always suitable for everyone, nor can a place be guaranteed. Therefore, from the outset of training, all trainees should be comfortable with the concept of working as an independent guide.
Course Overview
Module One - Introduction to Meditation and Mindfulness for FB+ guiding
- Develop self-practice and self-awareness
- How to guide others in meditation and mindfulness practices
What is the role of meditation in FB+ sessions?
Think of an FB+ session as an outdoor meditation class; one exercise blends into the next and offers ample opportunity for peace and relaxation. Our university studies have measured this approach works for nearly 9 out of 10 people combined with a 28.3% reduction in anxiety.
We use a series of mindfulness-based exercises (sensory and others) to facilitate the state of present moment awareness with curiosity and acceptance of whatever the present moment brings. This is thought to have benefits in itself as well as facilitating a deeper connection with nature, all of which can potentially increase possible benefits from the session.
Course qualification
The meditation and mindfulness course consists of three consecutive days training, with six months of support from us. During that time, you will need to complete case studies and pass exams. We also encourage you to connect with the others on your course. The case studies can be conducted in-person (preferred) or online.
About Meditation
Our meditation and mindfulness course is centred on meditation, and our framework is Patanjali’s eight limbs of yoga. The course explores the process of inner enquiry and connection to our nature and develops skills that can directly transfer to the forest. During the course we will cover the history of meditation including information from Buddhism and Hinduism. We will also delve into mantras and this will include some Sanskrit references. Please note that our forest bathing sessions do not include any Sanskrit or yoga references, this is purely part of the learning process.
Meditation teachers – please speak to us about Module One if you are already an experienced meditation teacher with relevant teacher training, and a thorough knowledge of Patanjali’s eight limbs of yoga and its relation to meditation practice.
What you will be required to do:
- Attend three day live training (in-person or online)
- Submit 6 volunteer studies completed in your own time
- Final 2 hour exam (can be taken online)
What you can expect from us:
- Full support through the process
- Flexibility to study
- Support from other trainees & teachers
- Additional support based on your needs
Module Two - Forest Bathing+
This module consists of two parts; a four-day theory online and four-days practical in-person which is like a mini woodland retreat! Plus six months of study and case study completion with exams. The four-day immersion is where you will really see the elements from both module one and module two fitting together and begin to feel like a FB+ guide!
During training you will explore the concepts of mindfulness and nature connection more deeply and connect with nature on a more profound level.
Practical course – restorative and relaxing
Our practical training course is part relaxation and part training course. The philosophy behind the 4-days we spend together is the more relaxed we feel, the more deeply we may feel able to connect with nature. When we spend 4 days together, ideally away from the stressors of everyday life, we may find we are able to relax more each day. As the 4-days together unfold, we hope you will find, as many do, that you experience greater feelings of serenity, which help to facilitate greater feelings of being connected to nature. Many people report epiphanies or major breakthroughs during our time together; it can be an emotional experience to feel a greater connection with nature, and course tutors can assist if needed.
We very much look forward to welcoming you on the course and sharing a wonderful and memorable journey with you.
What you will be required to do:
- Attend 4 day online theory and 4 day practical course
- Submit 6 case studies
- Attend monthly group follow-ups online
- One practical assessment
- Final 2 hour exam (taken online)
What you can expect from us:
- Thorough and in-depth training
- Full support through all your cases studies
- Flexibility to do case studies at your own pace
- Support from other trainees and guides
- Continued research and development
Your Investment
The Full FB+ Course cost
Please note* We do not ask anyone to pay for both courses at the time of registration. You can pay for Module 1, study with us, and sign up and pay for Module 2 when the time is right.
Module One – Mindfulness & meditation
£475.00 + VAT
Module 1 can be studied as a stand-alone course.
Module Two – Forest Bathing+
£2275.00 + VAT.
The total investment for both courses is £3,300, including VAT. This includes qualifications in both modules.
*Does not include any travel, food or accommodation.

Payment Options
Standard payment is in full, in advance of each module. We can offer payment plans if required.
Payment plans
We offer two options if you want to pay for our training over time.
Pay over three months. There will be an additional administration charge of £50 + VAT.
Pay over six months. There will be an additional administration charge of £125 + VAT.
Please let us know on your application form if you would like to use either of the above payment plan options.
If you are committed to training as a Forest Bathing+ guide, have a depth of meditation & mindfulness experience and find finance to be your only barrier, please submit an application form and let us know your situation.
Apply Online
If you would like to train as a FB+ guide get your application underway by completing our online application.
Ask Questions
We will contact you with feedback and invite you for a one-to-one chat and a group Zoom call to answer all your questions.
Start Your Training
Once the application is complete all you need to do is decide which course date to choose and join us for some FB+ sessions!
Certification and Accreditation
Once you qualify as a FB+ guide you will be awarded our Certification and be entitled to use this logo on your own website and marketing material. Our courses are also accredited by the CMA ( Complimentary Medical Association) and FB+ Guides can take advantage of the CMA Student Membership. Guides can register for CMA Student Membership on their website and obtain CPD points for our courses.
Work Opportunties
In addition to being able to set up and run your own fantastic FB+ sessions, we also have opportunities for guides to work along side us at our many events in partnership with leading organisations such as, the National Trust, Natural England, Forestry England, RSPB and many more!