In May 2023, TFBI hosted the Humanities faculty of Kasetsart University Bangkok at Newlands Corner in England. Following the meeting, TFBI was invited to Thailand to participate in a cutting-edge research study and a symposium at Kasetsart University.
The invitation was extended to TFBI as a leading light in global research related to forest bathing. Prof Li (a founding figure of forest bathing) & Associate Professor McEwan from the University of Derby were also invited.
On the second day of our visit, we conducted a site assessment for the upcoming study and were able to enjoy the local flora and fauna while cycling around Bang Kachao, which lies south of the Thai capital, Bangkok, in Phra Pradaeng District.

Forest Bathing Clinical Research Study
A crossover study was conducted, which entailed 30 students split into two groups: 15 students led on a guided walk by Prof McEwan in the centre of Bangkok, and Gary Evans led the other students on a guided walk in nature at Bang Kachao.
Before leaving Kasetsart University, groups completed a POM (Profile of mood states) questionnaire with circa 50 questions. Each student also had their blood pressure taken and was fitted with an HRV (heart rate variability) monitor connected to their mobile phone. The HRV monitor measures two nervous system branches, the sympathetic and the parasympathetic.
The sympathetic nervous system is often called the “fight or flight” system, while the parasympathetic nervous system is often called the “rest and digest.”
Kasetsart University Symposium
On the final day, a large symposium occurred in Bangkok at Kasetsart University. Guests included the Dean of the Humanities faculty, a representative from the forest meditation tradition, and other university faculty members and senior stakeholders from various organisations; many interested and keen students also joined us.

Kasetsart University Symposium Speakers & Presentations

Professor Qing Li
Professor Li is a Clinical Professor at the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, based at the Nippon Medical School in Tokyo, Japan. He is also the President of the Japanese Society of Forest Medicine, Vice president and Secretary General of the International Society of Nature and Forest Medicine (INFOM) and a Director of the Forest Therapy Society in Japan.
Forest Bathing Presentation
Prof Li, who coined the term forest bathing, was the keynote speaker and gave an update on his recent research and exciting developments in the nature and health arena.
Dr Kirsten McEwan, Associate Professor - University of Derby
A Research Psychologist with 18 years of experience in developing and evaluating health and wellbeing treatments. Kirsten has project-managed evaluations of treatments in NHS, Clinical Trials, and University settings, producing over 60 published projects. She provides the evidence-base for talking therapies, such as Compassion-Focused Therapy-CFT (for patients) and Compassionate Mind Training-CMT (for public).
Forest Bathing Presentation
Prof McEwan Was the second speaker and covered her inspirational UK forest bathing research. The findings to date support many of the original studies conducted by Prof Li. Some studies have been run in conjunction with TFBI.
Gary Evans, TFBI Director
Gary Evans, director and co-founder of The Forest Bathing Institute, is a peer-reviewed author and researcher on the health benefits of forest bathing. The World Economic Forum has appointed Gary and his wife as winning Top Innovators. Gary pioneered Forest Bathing+ alongside his wife, Olga. Between them, they have led hundreds of woodland therapy sessions for the general public, health care professionals, NHS staff, Defra, Natural England, Forestry England, County Councils and world experts in nature therapy.
Forest Bathing+ can significantly improve your well-being, according to recent research from the University of Derby. The results showed a statistically significant improvement across 12 key well-being areas. Gary regularly consults with the government, universities (70 currently), healthcare providers, wildlife charities and national landowners. Gary is regularly quoted in the national and international press and featured in countless publications, including The Guardian and Telegraph. His media appearances include BBC TV, BBC Earth, BBC Radio and print.
Forest Bathing+ Presentation
Gary Evans rounded out the lineup following lunch. His presentation covered the latest developments in the UK, including research with UCL and the global growth of interest in TFBI.
TFBI is rapidly becoming a world leader in research related to nature and health and is currently consulting with upwards of 70 universities.
Gary discussed the results of TFBI-funded programmes for various charities and the incredibly positive feedback reported by participants. In particular, the talk focused on the latest research conducted with UCL.
TFBI Ethos
TFBI do not conduct research simply for the sake of it; at the heart of TFBI is ensuring the identified benefits of forest bathing are made available across the UK and globally, especially to the most vulnerable in society.

Prof Li and Gary Evans - Forest bathing walk at Bang Kachao, Thailand
Following the symposium, the group travelled to Bang Kachao to participate in a short forest bathing session co-led by Prof Li and Gary Evans.
It seemed the symposium had warmed up those attending the walk, and within a short space of time, many attendees were sharing how powerfully connected they felt to nature.
2024 return trip, symposium & workshop
Kasetsart University and the speakers hope to organise another symposium at the end of 2024. Watch this space for updates.
Forest bathing clinical research
For more news on TFBI research, please read the papers and posts on our news blog; you can also read about them on our Instagram channel.