Spring is a great time to start practising forest bathing. Not only do the days get longer, which means that you might be able to do forest bathing before or after work, but the temperatures also get warmer.
On top of it, many changes happen in nature in spring. Often, if you visit the same location regularly, you might be able to witness changes on a weekly, if not daily, basis. And in spring, there are, indeed, many things to notice and enjoy in nature!
As spring is fast approaching, we wanted to share with you some of our spring Forest Bathing exercise suggestions.
Listen to a tree
Find a tree which catches your attention. Put your ear against the cool bark – can you hear the sap rising or the wind rustling melodically through the canopy? Some people use a stethoscope, in case you have one lying around or can borough one.
Feel new growth
Carefully touch a new leaf, bud or bark. What do you notice? You can use your fingertips, palms, back of hand, face (with care), etc. Why not let the leaf, bud, twig or bark touch YOU instead? With great care, you can walk past it and let it stroke you.
If you can find a clean patch of earth (away from sources of pollution like big roads or working factories), pick up a little earth with a stick and carefully smell its complex bouquet. Does it smell as you expected? Does the smell make you feel a particular way or remind you of something? Did you know that when we disturb the soil, a bacterium is released (B. vaccae), which enhances our serotonin levels, our happy hormones – having the potential to make us happier with each sniff!!
Enjoy spring blooms
Spring is often associated with the blooming of flowers. Look out for colourful blossoms appearing on trees, plants, and in gardens. Daffodils, cherry blossoms, snow drops, and tulips are among the first flowers to bloom in many regions. What colours can you see? Are colours different on the outside of the flower compared to the inside of the flower?
Note: Be careful when looking inside the plants as you might encounter pollinating insects! If you do, avoid disturbing the insects – rather, you can opt to observe their behaviour, which can be quite enchanting!
Listen to the bird song
As spring arrives, you will likely hear the delightful sounds of birds singing and chirping. Many migratory bird species return from their winter habitats, adding to the chorus of bird songs. Chiffchaff song is one of the characteristic signs of spring arrival here in the UK. When you are in nature, try to stay silent for a couple of minutes, listening to the sounds around. What can you hear? Is the sound loud or quiet? Far or close? Does the sound change over time? If so, in which way?
Observe animal activity
Animals, such as squirrels, rabbits, and hibernating creatures, become more active in springtime. You may notice more wildlife sightings and encounters. Springtime is a perfect opportunity to try bird watching and see which species you can spot.
Feel the rain drops on your skin
In many parts of the world, rainfall is yet another sign of spring. As the season progresses, you may experience more frequent showers, contributing to plants and flowers’ growth and renewal. When you get caught in light rain on your walk, you can put the palm of your hand out and feel the gentle raindrops on your skin. How does the rain feel?
Going out in nature when it is raining, or just after, can have added health benefits due to an increased moisture content in the air. The key is staying warm and dry, and make sure you abstain from going out when winds are higher than 30 miles per hour or during storms and/or lightning. We would recommend that you check the weather forecast before going out to stay on the safe side.
Also, it is important to stay warm and dry – put on extra layers and bring waterproofs when you go outside. Avoid heavy rain, though (especially if unsheltered), and you might want to cut your time in nature short if you start to feel cold. Consider bringing a warm drink in a thermos with you to keep you warm when you are outside.
You can also benefit from the rain when you are indoors, for instance, when you are working in an office. Observe the raindrops cascading on your window when it is raining for a couple of minutes while taking deep breaths. You might notice that you feel more focused and relaxed afterwards.
Feel the sun on your skin
With the arrival of spring, you will notice that the sun shines brighter and for longer periods. Sunshine exposure can have many great benefits, including synchronising circadian rhythms and, hence helping normalise your sleep cycle. It can also help boost your mood, especially after long winter months or reduced sun activity. On a sunny, day, spend a few minutes (with eyes closed, if you are in a safe space) observing sensations on your bare skin (face, hands, arms). How does the sun feel on your skin? Make sure to use sun protection as required, and avoid intense sunshine.
Remember, you don’t need to spend too much time outside to start feeling the benefits. In fact, as little as 20 minutes outside has been shown to help enhance cognition and memory and improve general feelings of wellbeing.
We recommend if you can, find time every day, or at least a few days a week, to visit a location in nature – it could be a local park, your garden, a wooded area where you live. Spend at least fifteen minutes exploring the area – it is best if you can stay silent and avoid using your phone. If you are exploring a new area, or feel uncomfortable going into nature alone, you can buddy up with a friend or a family member – just remember to remain silent while practising forest bathing exercises.
You are also welcome to join one of our upcoming guided forest bathing sessions – you can find more information here.
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We hope that you enjoy exploring nature this spring (and beyond!)